Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation



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Miami Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Most people have something they would like to change about their body. When it comes to women, that body part is frequently the breasts. Many women in the Miami area would like their breasts to be slightly larger and shapelier, these women are usually good candidates for a breast augmentation (aka augmentation mammoplasty) with fat transfer breast enhancement option. Dr. Nirmal Nathan, >a highly experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, and founder of The Nathan Clinic, performs augmentation mammoplasty procedures using implants, as well as the patient’s own fat. The implant-free breast enhancement option he offers is the fat transfer breast augmentation (aka an autologous fat transfer [AFT] breast augmentation, a minimally invasive breast enhancement).

What is a Miami Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer?

For years, breast implants were the only option a woman had for enhancing her breasts. Today, Dr. Nirmal Nathan uses a patient’s own fat to enhance her breasts. A woman who just wants slightly larger breasts can forego the breast implant option and use her own purified fat instead. Using this purified fat, Dr. Nathan can make modest changes to the patient’s breasts. He can increase the size of her breasts (by up to one cup), Dr. Nirmal Nathan can also lift and improve the shape of the patient’s breasts.

An Augmentation Mammoplasty in Miami with Implants or Autologous Fat: What is the Difference?

The most significant difference between a breast augmentation with autologous fat and a breast augmentation with implants is the surgical technique Dr. Nathan uses to enhance the patient’s breasts.

An augmentation mammoplasty in Miami using breast implants:

An augmentation mammoplasty using breast implants involves Dr. Nirmal Nathan inserting a saline or silicone implant into a pocket he creates either above or below the patient’s pectoral muscle during surgery.

A Miami breast augmentation with fat transfer:

During an augmentation mammoplasty with autologous fat, Dr. Nirmal Nathan uses liposuction to harvest the patient’s fat. The areas he chooses for fat removal are those that are typically resistant to diet and exercise (e.g., the waist, lower abdomen).

After harvesting the fat, Dr. Nathan uses the centrifugation process to purify it. Following purification, he collects the strongest fat cells, gently pulling them into the sterile syringes Dr. Nirmal Nathan uses during transfer.

Using his experience, skill and artistic vision, Dr. Nathan strategically transfers these fat cells into the areas of the breasts that will fulfill his patient’s aesthetic desires.

An augmentation mammoplasty using autologous fat provides the patient with the most natural-looking results. Nonetheless, this procedure is limited in its ability to increase the size of the patient’s breasts; however, this autologous fat transfer technique is ideal for those who want to reshape and slightly raise their breasts while adding a little volume. Women who want their breasts to be substantially larger, perkier and round should consider having breast implant surgery instead.

A Combination Breast Enhancement Procedure in Miami

Patients may choose to have a combination breast enhancement procedure that includes the use of breast implants and autologous fat. With this combination procedure, Dr. Nathan uses breast implants to increase the size of the breasts and the autologous fat for contouring purposes. This combination procedure provides the patient with larger breasts that are beautifully contoured to create her a more defined silhouette. This combination procedure is ideal for women who need breast reconstruction surgery.

Breast Augmentations Using Autologous Fat Are On the Rise

Although breast implants remain a popular breast enhancement option, many of Dr. Nirmal Nathan’s younger patients are seeking a more natural-looking breast enhancement result. These patients are choosing the fat transfer breast augmentation over the traditional breast implant option.

Reasons Some Women in the Miami Area Are Opting for an Augmentation Mammoplasty using Autologous Fat Instead of Breast Implants

Using autologous fat to enhance the breast offers women who are looking for a slight increase in breast size several benefits over the traditional breast implant.

These benefits include:

  • Areas frequently used for fat harvesting are the hips, flanks and lower abdomen. While harvesting fat for transfer, Dr. Nathan contours the areas where he is removing fat. Thus, providing the patient with an area that is more appealing than it was before the fat removal process.
  • Strategically placing the purified fat allows Dr. Nirmal Nathan to improve the shape of the breast, smooth out abnormalities and slightly increase the size of the breast (up to one cup).
  • By harvesting the patient’s fat, purifying it and then strategically injecting the purified fat to enhance the breasts, the risks associated with breast implants are avoided (e.g., implant rejection, rupture and an allergic reaction).
  • A fat transfer breast augmentation offers patients a result that looks and feels very natural.
  • Using autologous fat to increase breast size also improves the appearance of the skin on the breast.

What Issues Do Women Want Dr. Nathan to Address with a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Miami?

Women in the Miami area consider having augmentation mammoplasty procedures to address a variety of issues.

Some reasons women choose to have a breast augmentation using autologous fat include:

  • They would like their breasts to be a little higher on their chest.
  • Having small breasts is limiting their clothing options.
  • Their breasts are asymmetrical (i.e., uneven).
  • Due to their uneven breasts, finding a support bra that fits well is extremely difficult.
  • They would like their breasts to be slightly larger and more shapely.
  • Having negative emotions about the way their breasts look.

Fortunately, Dr. Nirmal Nathan can address each of these issues, thus providing women with the slightly larger, symmetrical and beautifully contoured breasts they desire.

What Makes Someone a Good Candidate for an Augmentation Mammoplasty Using Autologous Fat?

Patients considering an augmentation mammoplasty using autologous fat need to schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon. To make an appointment with Dr. Nathan, please call 305-530-8880. During the initial consultation, Dr. Nirmal Nathan evaluates the potential patient to determine if she is a good candidate for a fat transfer breast augmentation in Miami.

A potential patient who is a good candidate for a breast enhancement procedure using autologous fat is someone who:

  • Is in good health.
  • Has an adequate amount of fatty tissue to use for transfer.
  • Wants natural-looking results.
  • Is able to avoid weight fluctuations.
  • Only has minor problems related to breast asymmetry.
  • Understands the size limitation associated with using autologous fat instead of implants.
  • Has no problems related to circulation or blood clotting.
  • Desires a slight increase in her breast size (from ½ to one cup).
  • Will commit to the recommended pre-surgical and post-surgical processes so as to maximize the number of fat cells that survive.

Can a Patient Use Someone Else’s Fat to Enhance Her Breasts?

No, the body’s immune system would kill the donated fat cells because the system recognizes them as intruders.

Is It Possible to Increase the Size of the Breasts Without Surgery?

The only way an individual can increase the size of her breasts without surgical intervention is with weight gain or hormonal variations. Nonetheless, in the event that the individual loses weight, the size of her breasts decrease as well.

On the Day of Surgery, Patients Need a Driver

Patient safety remains Dr. Nathan’s top priority, which is why he does not permit the use of for-hire transportation (e.g., taxis, Uber, Lyft) following procedures that require sedation. This policy protects patients who are in a somewhat vulnerable state due to the anesthesia or sedation they receive during surgery from becoming the victim of those with nefarious intentions.

A Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer at The Nathan Clinic in Miami

On the day of their procedure, patients need to arrive approximately 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time. Patients must bring a driver with them; otherwise, Dr. Nirmal Nathan will reschedule the patient’s procedure.

An augmentation mammoplasty using autologous fat typically takes an hour or two. The length of the surgery depends on the amount of fat Dr. Nathan needs to remove.

While preparing for surgery, Dr. Nirmal Nathan usually visits the pre-op area to see if the patient has any last-minute questions or concerns.

The first stage of a fat transfer breast augmentation is liposuction:

Before the liposuction process begins, the patient receives general anesthesia.

Dr. Nathan creates a small incision in the area he is using for fat collection.
Through this incision, Dr. Nirmal Nathan gently removes excess fat.
While removing the fat, Dr. Nathan also contours the area, which helps improve the patient’s figure.

After collecting an adequate amount of fat, he closes the incisions.

The Fat purification process:

Dr. Nirmal Nathan places the vials of fat into a centrifuge.

A centrifuge is a closed system machine that spins at very high speeds. This spinning creates a gravitational force inside the centrifuge, which separates the heavier particles in the vials from the lighter ones. Since fat cells are lighter than the rest of the particles in the fluid, they float to the top of the vial.

Following centrifugation, Dr. Nirmal Nathan carefully collects the strongest fat cells by drawing them into sterile syringes. Since fat cells are somewhat delicate, taking great care to treat them gingerly during the collection and transfer process is essential to providing the patient with the best fat transfer breast augmentation results possible.

Transferring the Patient’s Purified Fat

Using his artistic vision and experience, Dr. Nathan gently, yet strategically, transfers the purified fat into several different areas of the patient’s breast.

Following transfer, some of these fat cells will create their own blood supply. These cells will continue to live, remaining in place to provide the patient with the breast characteristics she desires.

The fat cells that neglect to create themselves a blood supply will die. The body absorbs these dead fat cells, and they enter the bloodstream. Once these cells reach the liver, they are filtered out of the blood, eventually being expelled from the body in the patient’s urine.

Strategic Placement is the Key to Achieving the Patient’s Goal

The results a patient desires dictates which areas of the breast Dr. Nathan transfers her purified fat to.

How Much of the Transferred Fat Survives?

Typically, anywhere from 50 to 70 percent of the fat cells a plastic surgeon transfers survive.

The Technique a Plastic Surgeon Uses Can Affect Fat Cell Viability

A successful augmentation mammoplasty using autologous fat requires a plastic surgeon who has experience performing this highly specialized procedure. With nearly 15 years of experience as a plastic surgeon, Dr. Nirmal Nathan has the skill necessary to provide his patients with beautiful, natural-looking breast enhancement results using the patient’s harvested fat.

Recovering from a Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Patients will experience inflammation and bruising at the donor sites, these areas can ache for several days. The breasts themselves are bruised and swollen.

For approximately two weeks after surgery, patients should wear a soft bra, a camisole or no undergarment whatsoever.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet during recovery tends to increase the number of fat cells that create a blood supply.

Once breast inflammation subsides, which occurs about four weeks after surgery, the patient will be able to see her new breast shape.

Patients need to wait to replace their current undergarments until their breasts have healed, and the fat stabilization process is complete (approximately three months).

Patients wear compression garments over the areas Dr. Nathan used for fat harvesting for a month or two. These garments help the donor areas heal.

Are There Any Restrictions the Patient Needs to Follow?

For at least three months following a fat transfer breast augmentation in Miami, patients need to maintain a stable weight.

Patients must discontinue performing strenuous exercises for two weeks. However, they can continue performing the mild exercises they used prior to surgery to remain fit.

How Long Will It Take for the Final Results to Become Evident?

Once all residual swelling subsides, which usually occurs around the three-month mark, the patient sees her final results.

When Can the Patient Return to Work?

The length of time a patient needs to stay home from work depends on her type of work. Individuals who work in an office can return to work about a week after surgery (e.g., a receptionist).

Patients who have more strenuous positions may need to stay home from work longer (e.g., a cashier lifting heavy items).

How Long Will the Results of a Breast Augmentation Fat Transfer in Miami Last?

Once Dr. Nirmal Nathan transfers the fat, and the fat reabsorption period passes, as long as the patient maintains her weight, her results remain the same. Nonetheless, patients who gain or lose weight can expect their breasts to change accordingly.

Advantages of Using Autologous Fat Instead of Breast Implants

The fat removal process allows Dr. Nathan to contour the areas of the patient’s body as he removes the excess fat. Since the surgeon transfers the purified fat into the breast using injections, any scarring on the breasts is minimal. In addition, the autologous fat improves the appearance of the skin on the breast.

Can a Patient Have Multiple Augmentation Mammoplasty Procedures with Fat Transfer?

Yes, once a patient recovers from her previous augmentation mammoplasty using autologous fat, if she desires larger breasts, she can return to The Nathan Clinic in Miami to have Dr. Nirmal Nathan transfer more fat into her breasts.

Women who want perky and rounded breasts may want to consider breast implant surgery. These characteristics cannot be achieved with autologous fat.

A Consultation for a Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer in Miami

During the consultation, Dr. Nathan wants to know what the potential patient would like him to accomplish with an augmentation mammoplasty using autologous fat. Potential patients need to be candid with Dr. Nirmal Nathan because the only way he can provide them with the breasts they desire is by knowing what those desires are.

Preparing for an initial consultation at The Nathan Clinic:

Wear simple clothing

— Patients need to wear simple, easy to remove clothing to their consultation because Dr. Nathan may need to view their breasts.

Please bring a list of questions

— Dr. Nirmal Nathan likes his patients to feel comfortable about the procedures they are having; therefore, potential patients should feel free to bring their list of questions with them to their appointment.

Allergy information

— Patients who have medication or latex allergies need to let Dr. Nathan know about these allergies.

A list of surgical procedures, treatments and chronic conditions (e.g., hypertension)

— Dr. Nirmal Nathan needs to know about any chronic conditions the patient has, as well as previous surgeries and treatments. The year and the reason for the procedure should be included on the patient’s list.

Lifestyle choices

— Patients who use products that contain nicotine (e.g., e-cigarettes, traditional cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco) need to stop using these products four weeks before their surgery and four weeks after.

Patients who drink alcoholic beverages regularly or participate in recreational drug use should let Dr. Nathan know about these activities. Since alcohol promotes inflammation, patients who drink alcoholic beverages need to refrain from consuming these products for at least two days before and two days after their surgery.

A list of medications, herbal supplements and vitamins

— Some medications, herbs and vitamins need to be discontinued, or the dosage amount reduced (e.g., certain prescription medications) for at least 10 days before surgery and 10 days after surgery. These medications include blood thinners like Coumadin, as well as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen (e.g., Motrin). These medications have a tendency to increase bleeding, which is why discontinuing or reducing the dosage is crucial. Patients who take any type of prescription medication need to continue taking it as prescribed until they speak with a physician about decreasing or discontinuing its use for a short period of time before and after surgery. If a patient needs to take a pain medication in the days leading up to her fat transfer breast augmentation in Miami, acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a safe and effective alternative to NSAIDs.

Herbal supplements that tend to thin the blood and increase bleeding include Kava Kava, St. John’s Wort, Turmeric and Ginkgo Biloba. Patients who take any type of herbal supplement regularly need to let Dr. Nirmal Nathan know. He can determine if the supplement needs to be discontinued before the patient’s fat transfer breast augmentation procedure.

Vitamins can even thin the blood and promote excess bleeding. Some of the vitamins to avoid before surgery include vitamin E and vitamin D, as well as Fish Oil.

The Importance of Discontinuing the Use of Products that Contain Nicotine

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. This means that it causes the blood vessels to contract. These contractions disrupt the body’s circulation process, making it difficult for the blood to efficiently flow through the veins, which negatively affects the body’s ability to heal the incisions created during surgery. This slower healing process can lead to the onset of an infection, open wounds that will not heal properly and skin death. These are the reasons that following Dr. Nathan’s recommendation to stop using products that contain nicotine before and after surgery is so crucial.

Will the Patient Have Scars Following a Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer in Miami?

Patients should expect minor scarring at the donor sites, as well as at the sites where Dr. Nathan transfers the fat into the breasts. However, these scars are small and, as long as they are not exposed to UV light during the initial healing process, they will diminish substantially with time.

Additional Procedures Dr. Nirmal Nathan Can Perform During the Same Surgical Session

Dr. Nathan can perform a variety of procedures during the same surgical session as a breast enhancement using autologous fat.

Some of the possible add-on procedures include:

  • An abdominoplasty.
  • Breast implant placement.
  • An arm lift.

Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated with a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Every surgical procedure or treatment has risks, which is why choosing an experienced surgeon to perform a plastic surgery procedure is crucial.

Some of the risks and potential complications of a breast augmentation with fat transfer include:

  • A negative reaction to the general anesthesia.
  • Cyst formation.
  • Fat reabsorption.
  • The development of fat emboli.
  • Infection.
  • Tissue death.
  • An allergic reaction to products used during surgery.

How Much Will a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Miami Cost?

An initial consultation with Dr. Nathan is necessary for him to determine the cost of an individual’s fat transfer breast augmentation.

A breast augmentation with fat transfer in Miami is ideal for those who are looking for a modest increase in breast size and shapelier breasts that sit slightly higher on the chest. During an initial consultation, Dr. Nirmal Nathan can help determine which breast enhancement procedure (i.e., implants or a fat transfer) will meet your needs the best. Dr. Nathan is one of the top plastic surgeons in the Miami area. He has nearly 15 years of experience performing breast enhancement procedures. Schedule your initial consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nirmal Nathan at The Nathan Clinic, Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics, by calling 305-530-8880. The Nathan Clinic, Plastic and Aesthetics is located at 4770 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 830, in Miami.



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