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Facelift Results

Actual Patient. Individual results may vary from patient to patient.

Actual Patient. Individual results may vary from patient to patient.



Facelift FAQs Answered by Dr. Nathan


Are you sometimes surprised by the face looking back at you when you pass a plate glass window or mirror? Does it look like you, but . . . blurred? Your unmistakable traits remain, but you look older than you feel? Dr. Nirmal Nathan’s expertise in face lift & neck lift procedures helps patients like you in the Miami, FL area feel more confident in their appearance.


The face of a child or young adult has firm, taut skin and rounded contours because the face naturally has 14 specific fat pads, and skin is supported by a thick meshwork of collagen and elastin. That changes as we age. Skin becomes thinner and less elastic, and fat pads diminish. Skin also loses support as muscle mass and bone density lessens. The combination allows skin to sag into wrinkles, creases, and folds. The downward pull of gravity makes this more noticeable on mid- and lower portions of the face and on the neck.


  • Self-consciousness – Are you concerned at how aging is affecting your appearance?
  • Makeup application has become challenging – Is it difficult to work around lines, wrinkles, and sags?
  • Jowls – Sagging skin on sides of the face at the lower jaw pull corners of the mouth down. On women jowling typically distorts a feminine oval or heart face shape (widest set at the temples) into a more masculine rectangular or square shape.
  • Double chin – Do changes to your jawline and profile make you look heavier?
  • You are covering the problem – Perhaps your closet has far too many high necklines and scarves for Miami’s balmy climate.
  • You feel younger, healthier, and more vibrant than you look.

Dr. Nathan makes a thorough evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate. He considers the condition of your skin as well as underlying musculature and bone structure. You will discuss overall health, medications, and lifestyle habits. The best patient candidates for face lift and neck lift are reasonably healthy, without medical conditions that impair healing. They do not smoke, and have realistic expectations for the outcome of surgery.


Facelift surgery smooths skin and brings back definition of facial contours for a more youthful appearance. The surgical technique varies somewhat depending on the specific type of lift performed. However, at The Nathan Clinic, a lift is an outpatient procedure which takes several hours. The patient’s comfort is ensured with general anesthesia (possibly sedation and local anesthesia, in some cases). Fine incisions are created at the hairline or in natural creases, where they are least likely to show after healing. Skin is detached from fascia, a connective tissue that connects it to underlying muscles, allowing Dr. Nathan to access deeper tissues. Muscles are tightened and tissues are repositioned, creating a smoother foundation for skin. Surplus skin is excised. Skin is put back in place and precisely sutured, without over-tightening.


  • Mini facelift – This less-invasive technique may be a good choice for the individual whose facial skin is just beginning to droop, and some jowling (sagging at the jawline and chin) is present. Small incisions are made above and around ears. Surgery focuses on lifting and tightening structure tissues in the cheek area. The early intervention of a mini facelift, combined with an ongoing strategy of laser skin therapies, Botox, and dermal fillers, can keep signs of aging at bay for many years.
  • Mid-facelift – Dr. Nathan uses this method to reposition fat pads over the cheekbones and to tighten skin. Similar to a mini facelift, this procedure recontours and smooths the mid-face area.
  • S-lift – You may hear this called a chin lift, MACS, or QuickLift, which are variations. Regardless, it is ideal for treating the lower portion of the face (jowls and neck) using an S-shaped incision.
  • Traditional facelift – Sometimes referred to as a full or standard facelift, this procedure provides moderate to significant correction. It requires incisions at the ears, hairline, and below the chin, treating the entire face and restoring definition in the neck. Skin is re-draped in way that provides dramatic yet natural-looking improvement.
  • Cutaneous lift – This skin-only lift addresses the lower third of the face and the neck. Tightening skin in this manner provides improvement in laxity. However, since skin has the capacity to stretch, results may not be as lasting as with a procedure that also tightens underlying muscles.
  • Neck lift – Platysmaplasty specifically addresses loose and excess skin below the chin. It reduces creases and wrinkles in this area, for a slimmer, smoother neck.
  • Brow-lift – A temporal lift can be done alone, or in combination with other types of face lifts. This lift raises a heavy or drooping brow which cause lowered eyebrows and an angry or tired look. Only small incisions, usually within the hair cap, are needed.
  • Blepharoplasty – While eyelid surgery is not part of a face lift or neck lift procedure, Dr. Nathan may be able to complete it at the same time. You can learn more on the Eyelid Surgery page of this website.


It is normal to have some swelling, bruising, and numbness after a lift, which typically peaks at day two. However, recovery is generally uneventful. The surgical site is bandaged, and patient comfort is maintained with ice packs and pain blocking medications. You are encouraged to move around after surgery, and you may shower after two days. Dr. Nathan will talk with you about when you may wear makeup again.

Plan to take at least a week off work. Most people are comfortable with their appearance – going out in public – within two weeks. Avoid swimming, strenuous exercise, and heavy lifting for six weeks. Daily sun protection is essential to protect your skin as it heals, and ongoing to preserve the benefits of face or neck lift surgery.

Dr. Nathan is very experienced in creating aesthetic, natural-looking results. You can expect to look years younger, and with a good skin care regimen and sun protection, enhancement will last many years.

Dr. Nirmal Nathan is a skilled plastic surgeon in Miami, Florida. He received his medical degree through the Honors Program in Medicine at the University of Miami. Dr. Nathan is among the most sought after plastic surgeons in Miami due to his expansive knowledge, skill and method of treating patients. In his practice, The Nathan Clinic Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics, he provides the excellence that comes from experience.


Did you know that under Florida law, any licensed medical doctor is permitted to perform cosmetic surgery? Yet plastic surgery is a complex and fast-changing area of medicine with tremendous potential impact on the patient’s appearance, health, and quality of life. Dr. Nathan is a Board-certified plastic surgeon. This is your assurance of his dedication to providing the highest level of care. Board-certification involves extensive additional training, well beyond a medical degree, in area such as facial anatomy, aesthetics, and specialized surgical skills. You might think of it this way – while you probably have a terrific mechanic for your BMW, you would rather take your pride and joy to an experienced body shop for fender-bender repairs.

Trust your face to the expertise of Dr. Nathan. Call (305) 530-8880 to schedule a face lift & neck lift consultation at The Nathan Clinic in Miami, FL.


Face lift surgery is referred to in medical terms as rhytidectomy, since a rhytid is a wrinkle and “ectomy” denotes surgical removal. Wrinkles form on the face as the face loses volume and the skin sags. Face lift surgery is a popular choice at The Nathan Clinic Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics in Miramar and Miami, FL. Here are some of the questions Dr. Nirmal Nathan commonly fields about face lift options and outcomes.


Some people wait until facial folds have become prominent and laxity at their jowls and neck is obvious – usually in their 50s to mid-60s – to pursue a surgical solution, which is fine. However, it can be beneficial to consider a face lift earlier, when signs of aging are just beginning to be undeniable. Skin thins and loses elasticity as we age. It is in healthier condition and more resilient in your 40s, with less sun damage.

For any elective surgery, a person should be in reasonably good health overall, and within a normal weight range (obesity can cause complications). Heavy smokers are usually not good candidates for face lift, and you should not smoke at all for two months before and two months following surgery. 


Dr. Nathan in addition to being a plastic surgeon is further specialized in craniofacial surgery. He has performed thousands of facial plastic surgery cases. As such, he is comfortable with utilizing multiple surgical and non-surgical techniques to achieve your goals. At The Nathan Clinic, treatment is precisely tailored to the patient’s needs, with many options and combinations available, including:

  • Temporal lift – Does your forehead have deep horizontal folds that cause brows to droop? A brow lift creates a smoother forehead and higher eyebrows. With just small incisions at the hairline, recovery is brief.
  • Blepharoplasty – Eyelid surgery is often performed in tandem with a face lift or brow lift, to remove puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes. If drooping lids obstruct your visual field, your health insurer may cover a portion of the cost.
  • Mini lift – Access points around the ears allow Dr. Nathan to address laxity in the mid-face. This less invasive procedure improves rhytids in the treatment area and lifts the lower third of the face.
  • Mid face lift – This is the next step in facial rejuvenation, tightening muscles and repositioning subdermal fat pads, as well as smoothing skin in the middle third of the face.
  • Chin lift – As you might guess, this procedure addresses laxity on jowls and neck, and reduces double chin. It is accomplished through a small one inch incision underneath the chin. Sometimes a chin implant may also be needed to achieve the best results.
  • Neck lift – This surgery focuses on the area from your chin to collar bone. Loose skin, wrinkles, and crepiness are reduced, and your neck looks slimmer.
  • Full face lift – Incisions around the face (at hairline, ears, and chin) allow the doctor to provide maximum improvement in the entire face and neck. Dr. Nathan has perfected a method of repositioning tissues for results that look natural – not over-tightened.


You receive pre-op instructions before your face lift is performed at an accredited facility with a board-certified anesthesiologist. Dr. Nathan works with your other healthcare providers to determine which medications should be adjusted or stopped before surgery. You also receive guidance on avoiding non-prescription drugs and supplements which could cause bruising or bleeding. You should stop smoking and stay out of the sun prior to surgery. Dr. Nathan may also recommend a specific skin care regimen for the best results from your procedure.

On the day of surgery, skin is cleansed and marked for incisions. A sedation and anesthesia strategy has already been customized for your situation. Depending on the work you are having done, mild sedation and local anesthetic may be all that is needed to ensure your comfort. For more extensive surgeries, a board-certified anesthesiologist administers intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

Dr. Nathan creates necessary incisions at the temples, around ears, or at lower scalp. They are concealed within natural contours and the hairline, to be virtually undetectable after healing. He uses these openings to redistribute fat and tighten underlying muscles. Skin is re-draped over newly sculpted features. Excess skin is trimmed away, and incisions are closed with sutures or surgical glue.


Patients who follow post-op instructions generally have minimal risk of complications. Expect several follow-up visits for removal of dressings, drains, and sutures, and for Dr. Nathan to monitor your healing. You will wear a compression garment for a certain period of time to reduce swelling and support tissues as they heal. Social downtime, resumption of physical activities, and when you can begin wearing makeup or have your hair done varies.

While change is obvious immediately after surgery, improvement continues for several months as swelling subsides and deep tissues heal. With sensible skin care, sun protection, and an ongoing anti-aging strategy of non-surgical laser and injectable therapies, your refreshed look can last many years.


Dr. Nathan is a board-certified plastic surgeon with specialty training for the face. He has a broad and advanced skill set in facial plastic surgery through years of experience and thousands of cases. At The Nathan Clinic, every patient receives a customized surgical and non-surgical plan to achieve their goals. Our patients receive world class care that follows the highest safety standards. Choose Dr. Nathan if you want a concierge experience with customized, natural results.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Nathan to have your questions about face lift surgery answered in person. His number in Miami, FL is (305) 530-8880.


Facelift Results


Miami Facelift Specialist Dr. Nathan

With a traditional facelift (aka a full rhytidectomy, standard facelift), Miami plastic surgeons can provide men and women with more youthful-looking facial features. At The Nathan Clinic, Dr. Nirmal Nathan, who is an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, uses his exceptional skill, knowledge and artistic vision to provide his patients with the more youthful-looking facial features they desire. Dr. Nathan performs several different types of facelifts (e.g. mini-Facelift, submuscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) plication, SMASectomy, and deep plane). Dr. Nathan uses his knowledge and experience to deliver customized results for his patients. Furthermore, due to his experience performing facial rejuvenation procedures in Miami, the changes Dr.Nirmal Nathan makes during a patient’s rhytidectomy look completely natural.

At The Nathan Clinic in Miami, Each Facelift Patient Receives a Custom-Designed Surgical Plan

Dr. Nathan creates each of his rhytidectomy patients a personalized surgical treatment plan. While designing each unique surgical plan, Dr. Nirmal Nathan considers the patient’s facial anatomy as well as his or her aesthetic desires. Nonetheless, in general, during a full rhytidectomy, Dr. Nathan focuses on addressing the signs of aging that are present in the middle and lower sections of the patient’s face. If the patient desires, Dr. Nirmal Nathan can also address loose skin on the neck and the jowls that develop along the jawline. By performing the neck lift and rhytidectomy together, the visual characteristics of the patient’s face and neck are comparable. Dr. Nathan will often times add facial fat grafting and laser resurfacing to the treatment plan to provide optimal results.

A full rhytidectomy with Dr. Nirmal Nathan usually consists of:

  • Lifting facial tissue.
  • Tightening muscles.
  • Removing excess skin and tissue.
  • Repositioning and removing fat deposits.
  • Re-draping the skin that remains.

Once the traditional facelift and recovery process is complete, the patient’s face is smoother and appears more youthful.

Visible Signs of Aging Dr. Nirmal Nathan Addresses During a Traditional Rhytidectomy in Miami

While performing a rhytidectomy, Dr. Nathan diminishes many of the signs of aging present in the patient’s face and neck.

Visible signs Dr. Nirmal Nathan addresses during a full rhytidectomy include:

  • Nasolabial folds

    NASOLABIAL FOLDS — the lines that run from the base of the nose to the corresponding corner of the mouth.

  • Fat

    Fat— an individual’s facial fat may have fallen, which means Dr. Nathan will need to reposition it.

  • A turkey neck

    A turkey neck— this neck characteristic results from drooping skin.

  • A double chin

    A double chin — an accumulation of fat beneath the chin can lead to the development of a double chin, even when an individual is not overweight. Liposuction or direct surgical excision are used to remove these fat pockets and improve neck contour.

  • Jowls

    Jowls — while performing a facelift in Miami, Dr. Nirmal Nathan can address the jowls that develop in the cheeks and jaw. Jowls result from loss of muscle tone.

  • Sagging facial skin

    Sagging facial skin — Dr. Nathan carefully trims away the excess skin that is responsible for droopy-looking facial features. As an experienced facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Nirmal Nathan knows precisely how much skin he needs to remove to provide his patient with excellent, natural-looking results. An inexperienced surgeon may remove too much skin, which can lead to the need for over-tightening. This over-tightening causes the patient’s face to look windblown, a result that most patients would like to avoid.

The Benefits of a Traditional Rhytidectomy in Miami

Individuals who choose to have a full rhytidectomy can expect their facial characteristics to appear more youthful, rejuvenated and refreshed. A standard rhytidectomy can take years off the face and neck.

Some benefits of a standard rhytidectomy include:

  • Beautifully contoured facial features.
  • Long-lasting results. Rhytidectomy results can last for a decade (or even longer). The age of the patient at the time of surgery could affect the longevity of his or her results. For example, results tend to last longer for patients in their 40s than they do for those in their 60s.
  • Fewer wrinkles.
  • Feeling confident about the way they look, which typically leads to an increase in their self-esteem level.

A facelift does not include any procedures to resolve issues affecting the eyelids or the eyebrows, nonetheless, patients can choose to add on procedures that do. Many of Dr. Nathan’s patients decide to add upper and lower eyelid surgery (aka upper and lower blepharoplasty) as well as a brow lift to their rhytidectomy at The Nathan Clinic in Miami. During their initial consultation with Dr. Nirmal Nathan, patients should mention the issues that are bothering them. By knowing what the patient would like him to address, Dr. Nathan can recommend procedures to resolve the issues that concern the patient.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Rhytidectomy in Miami?

The ideal candidate for a rhytidectomy is a man or a woman who has moderate to severe wrinkles and sagging skin in the mid and lower sections of the face. This individual should want to recapture the youthful facial features that have diminished with time.

Since a rhytidectomy is an invasive procedure, individuals who are interested in having a facelift must be healthy. A patient may need to have a variety of presurgical tests (e.g., blood work, an EKG) completed before surgery. To ensure that Dr. Nirmal Nathan has the results back in plenty of time to review them, patients need to have their lab tests completed a week before surgery. Patients who neglect to have their tests completed in time for review will need to reschedule their procedure. Dr. Nathan always puts the safety of his patients first.

Patients should have realistic expectations about what Dr. Nirmal Nathan can accomplish for them with a facelift in Miami.

Individuals who plan to have a rhytidectomy before attending a special event (e.g., a wedding, family reunion) need to have their rhytidectomy procedure done well in advance of their upcoming event. Since it can take six months to completely heal from a facelift, having a rhytidectomy approximately six months before the special event is ideal.

A patient’s final rhytidectomy results can take up to six months to become evident. During which time, patients need to refrain from being in the sun. UV rays can cause the incision lines to darken, permanently; therefore, disregarding this recommendation could be detrimental to the patient’s overall results.

Individuals who are considering a rhytidectomy should be non-smokers or be willing to discontinue using any product that contains nicotine for at least a month before, and a month after their surgery.

In addition, individuals with hypertension will need there blood pressure controlled prior to surgery. Any blood thinners must be discontinued prior to surgery.

Why Discontinuing the Use of Products that Contain Nicotine is So Important

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it causes the blood vessels to contract. These contractions slow the circulation process, lengthening the amount of time it takes for the blood to reach the part of the face that requires healing. Slower healing can result in open wounds, infection and even tissue death. Dr. Nathan does not perform facelifts on patients who are ingesting nicotine.

A Consultation for a Facelift in Miami

One of the most important appointments is the initial consultation. It is during this consultation that Dr. Nathan learns what the patient would like to accomplish, and the patient finds out which procedure he or she may want to consider to accomplish this goal.

The first part of an initial consultation involves gathering information to determine the prospective patient’s candidacy for a rhytidectomy.

Dr. Nirmal Nathan needs to know:

  • The reasons that he or she wants to have plastic surgery.
  • What his or her expectations are regarding the results.

Dr. Nathan wants to discuss:

  • The prospective patient’s current health status. Dr. Nirmal Nathan needs to know about any chronic health conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, heart disease). Accurate information regarding an individual’s current health status and ongoing medical conditions is vital to ensuring the safety of the prospective patient. Therefore, individuals are encouraged to be candid with Dr. Nathan during their initial consultation for a facelift. Uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes, and blood thinner usage may be contraindications for surgery.
  • The details of his or her medical history. These details should include allergies to medications or latex, surgical procedures, treatments and current medications. In addition, Dr. Nirmal Nathan needs to know if the prospective patient takes any herbal supplements or vitamins on a daily basis. Dr. Nathan needs this information because certain products increase an individual’s likelihood of unnecessary bleeding. Products to avoid include prescription blood thinners (e.g., Coumadin) as well as over-the-counter products, including aspirin, ibuprofen and non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In addition, vitamin E and herbal supplements like Kava Kava, St. John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba are all capable of causing excessive bleeding. Individuals who take any of these products need to discontinue using them for approximately 10 days before surgery. Nonetheless, patients who are taking a prescription medication that could result in unnecessary bleeding (e.g., a blood thinner) need to speak with the prescribing doctor before discontinuing or reducing the dosage amount.
  • Lifestyle choices, including the use of products that contain nicotine (e.g., traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, smoking-cessation products) and alcohol consumption. In addition, patients who participate in recreational drug use need to let Dr. Nirmal Nathan know about the products they use, including how much they use and how often. Each of these questions is vital to ensuring the patient’s safety during treatment. All the information gathered remains in the patient’s medical file, which is confidential.

Helpful Tips

Dr. Nathan encourages prospective patients to bring a list of questions with them to their initial consultation, as well as a list of their medications. This list should include dosage amount, frequency and reason for the medication. In addition, prospective patients should create a list of past medical treatments and surgical procedures. Each of these lists makes filling out the registration paperwork easier.

The Facial Examination

Dr. Nirmal Nathan examines the prospective patient’s face and takes a variety of measurements.

Determining an Individual’s Eligibility for a Facelift in Miami

Once Dr. Nathan takes the measurements and examines the prospective patient’s face, he reviews the medical history, health conditions and facial examination results to determine if the prospective patient is a good candidate for a rhytidectomy. Dr. Nirmal Nathan also considers whether other treatments can address issues that the individual would like him to resolve. For example, if the prospective patient has a drooping upper eyelid, Dr. Nathan can address this issue with an upper blepharoplasty during the same surgical session as the rhytidectomy.

Dr. Nathan takes a holistic approach to facial aging, as it is multifactorial. Face and necklifts really onlyu address volume loss and descent in the face. During your consultation, Dr. Nathan will address the other components of facial aging, which include dynamic wrinkles and photoaging.

Photographs of the Face and Neck from Various Angles

If the individual is eligible for, and chooses to move forward with a rhytidectomy, Dr. Nirmal Nathan or one of his staff members takes photos of the patient’s face and neck. These photos are usually taken during the preoperative consultation. Dr. Nathan references these photos and all the other information as he creates the patient’s custom-designed surgical plan for a rhytidectomy in Miami.

Facelift Procedures Available at The Nathan Clinic in Miami

Dr. Nirmal Nathan uses the information he collects during the initial consultation to determine which rhytidectomy procedure will serve the patient best.

Rhytidectomy procedures available at The Nathan Clinic include:

The Traditional Facelift

A full rhytidectomy is ideal for those in need of moderate to significant correction. During a traditional rhytidectomy, Dr. Nathan creates incisions at the hairline, ears and beneath the chin. With this procedure, Dr. Nirmal Nathan treats the entire face and restores definition to the patient’s neck.

There are several established techniques to lift the face. These techniques include: SMAS plication, SMASectomy, and deep plane facelifting. Dr. Nathan will recommend the technique that will best accomplish the patient’s goals.

During a SMAS plication, the soft tissue of the face is lifted with sutures. This technique avoids placing the deeper facial nerves at risk. The results are long lasting as has been demonstrated in the San Francisco twin study. Dr. Nathan then proceeds to tighten the neck using deep plane techniques.

A SMASectomy works well for fuller faces, and utilizes deep plane techniques on the face. A strip of SMAS tissue is removed and the excision lines are repaired to lift the face. This technique produces a dramatic yet natural look. Risk to the facial nerves are minimized with this technique. Dr. Nathan then proceeds to tighten the neck using deep plane techniques.

The Mid-Facelift

With this method, Dr. Nathan repositions the fat pads over the patient’s cheekbones and then tightens the skin. The mid-facelift technique allows Dr. Nirmal Nathan to re-contour and smooth the mid-section of the patient’s face.

A Mini Facelift

This is a less-invasive procedure, which is why it could be the perfect choice for individuals who have facial skin that is just starting to droop, as well as for those who notice they have slight jowling. The goal of this surgery is to lift and tighten the structural tissues that are located in the cheek area. During the mini facelift, Dr. Nathan creates small incisions above and around the patient’s ears. He uses these incisions to re-contour and smooth the patient’s face.

Individuals choosing to have a mini facelift relatively soon after the signs of aging develop and then take advantage of the other facial rejuvenation options (e.g., laser therapy) available at The Nathan Clinic can hold back the signs of aging for years to come.

A Cutaneous Lift

During the cutaneous lift, Dr. Nirmal Nathan tightens the skin in the neck and the lower third of the patient’s face. Using this method to tighten the skin improves its laxity. Nonetheless, skin does have the ability to stretch; therefore, the results of a cutaneous lift may not offer the longevity that is possible with procedures that also tighten underlying facial muscles.

The S-Lift (aka Chin Lift, QuickLift or MACS)

The S-lift is perfect for treating the jowls that form on the lower section of the face, as well as the neck. This technique involves the use of an S-shaped incision, hence its name.

Potential add-ons include:

A Neck Lift (aka Platysmaplasty)

A neck lift focuses on addressing excess skin beneath the chin. This loose skin causes wrinkles and creases to form in this area. A neck lift provides patients with a smoother, slimmer neck. Dr. Nathan removes fat under the neck and tightens the muscle using deep plane techniques.

An Upper or Lower Blepharoplasty

Although eyelid surgery is a separate procedure from a neck lift and a rhytidectomy, patients may be able to add blepharoplasty procedures to their surgical plan.

A Brow Lift (aka Temporal Lift)

Dr. Nathan can perform a brow lift by itself or along with other kinds of facelifts. During a brow lift, Dr. Nirmal Nathan can raise a drooping or heavy brow to eliminate the tired, angry look associated with this facial characteristic. While performing a temporal lift, Dr. Nathan creates small incisions within the hair cap.

Preparing for a Facelift in Miami

Stop using products that contain nicotine at least a month before surgery, and refrain from using them for a month after.

Avoid taking medications, herbal supplements and vitamins that increase the likelihood of bleeding for approximately 10 days before and 10 days after surgery.

Make sure to have all testing completed no later than a week before surgery.

If a patient requires a medical release, he or she needs to have this document to Dr. Nirmal Nathan before the day of surgery.

Patients need to ask someone they trust to remain with them overnight following their surgery.

The night before their surgery, patients need to fast. Most patients begin fasting at midnight. If a patient needs to take medication during the fasting timeframe, he or she needs to speak with Dr. Nathan about taking the medication with just a bit of water. Refraining from eating and drinking before surgery is vital because the patient could choke on his or her stomach contents during surgery.

Since patients receive anesthesia during their rhytidectomy, their reaction times are slower than usual, which is why Dr. Nirmal Nathan does not permit patients to drive themselves home. Furthermore, patients need to refrain from driving for at least 24 hours after their surgery. On the day of surgery, patients need to arrive with their driver. Patients who neglect to bring a driver will need to reschedule their facelift

For-Hire Transportation Following Surgery

At The Nathan Clinic, Dr. Nathan and his staff take patient safety seriously, which is why Dr. Nirmal Nathan does not permit the use of for-hire transportation (e.g., a taxi, bus, Lyft) following any surgical procedure that requires anesthesia or sedation. This policy ensures that potentially vulnerable patients are not taken advantage of by strangers who may not have the best of intentions.

A Facelift in Miami – The Procedure

At The Nathan Clinic, a rhytidectomy is an outpatient procedure, which means that the patient returns home shortly after surgery.

The length of time a patient remains in surgery depends on the type of lift he or she is having (e.g., a traditional rhytidectomy, cutaneous lift), as well as whether the patient is having additional procedures (e.g., a blepharoplasty, brow lift) during the same surgical session. Patients who are only having a lift should expect to remain in surgery for a few hours.

Once the patient arrives with his or her driver, a staff member takes the patient to the pre-op area. While here, the nurse checks the patient’s vitals (i.e., heart rate, temperature and oxygen level) and begins preparing him or her for surgery.

Dr. Nathan typically visits the patient to answer any last-minute questions he or she has. Dr. Nirmal Nathan also uses a special surgical marker to create a variety of markings on the patient’s face. Dr. Nathan uses these markings as a guide during surgery.

Specific procedural steps vary depending on the type of lift a patient receives. Nonetheless, the steps below outline the traditional facelift procedure at The Nathan Clinic in Miami.

Administering the Anesthesia

Once the patient is ready for surgery, he or she receives either general anesthesia or sedation with local anesthesia (aka twilight anesthesia). General anesthesia places the patient into a deep sleep during surgery, and twilight anesthesia places the patient into a lighter form of sleep. Although the patient sleeps more lightly with twilight anesthesia, he or she will remember very little about surgery, if anything at all.

Once the patient is comfortable, Dr. Nathan creates very fine incisions at the patient’s hairline or within his or her natural creases. As an experienced facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Nirmal Nathan knows which creases will hide the incisions well. Therefore, once healing is complete, the incision sites are virtually undetectable.

In order to access the deeper facial tissues, Dr. Nathan gently separates the skin from the SMAS layer and muscle. The SMAS layer is the main layer that is corrected during a facelift.

Upon accessing the deeper tissues, to create a smoother foundation for the skin, Dr. Nirmal Nathan carefully tightens the muscles and repositions the facial tissues. It is during this step that Dr. Nathan can perform other facial rejuvenation and enhancement procedures (e.g., a blepharoplasty).

Once Dr. Nirmal Nathan completes making the changes the patient desires, he removes any excess skin. To ensure the patient’s results are optimal, Dr. Nathan is very precise about the amount of skin he removes.

Dr. Nirmal Nathan re-drapes the face and then uses sutures to close the incisions.

An over-tightening of the sutures or eliminating lines and wrinkles by pulling the lower face horizontally can cause the pulled-back or windblown look. To ensure his patients will not have this result, Dr. Nathan only uses the vertical motion to remove wrinkles and lines from the lower face. Furthermore, he closely monitors the patient’s skin as he closes the incisions to keep from over-tightening the sutures. One to two drains are usually placed.

Dr. Nirmal Nathan applies bandages to the surgical site.

The patient receives pain medication, antibiotics, and anti-nausea medication.

The patient also receives ice packs. Using these ice packs, patients can perform cryotherapy at home, which helps reduce inflammation.

The Recovery Area

While in recovery, patients receive information about caring for their incisions as well as the signs they need to watch for that could indicate an infection (e.g., a fever, foul-smelling discharge from incision sites) or hematoma (a collection of blood). If a patient believes that he or she has an infection, please contact The Nathan Clinic at 305-530-8880 right away.

Patients may also receive a date and time for their follow-up visit with Dr. Nathan.
Once Dr. Nirmal Nathan is happy with the patient’s progress, he releases the patient to his or her driver.

Recovering from a Facelift in Miami

Patients need to walk around their house after surgery. This is especially important for those who received general anesthesia because inactivity could result in the development of a blood clot.

Although the amount of time an individual needs to recover following surgery varies, most patients are ready to return to their non-strenuous everyday activities two weeks post-op. Nonetheless, patients must refrain from participating in strenuous exercises including swimming and heavy lifting for at least six weeks.

Patients need to avoid wearing makeup for some time following their facelift. Dr. Nirmal Nathan informs his patients when it is okay for them to begin wearing makeup again.

Typical side effects patients experience following a rhytidectomy include inflammation, a feeling of tightness in the face and bruising. Patients state that these side effects peak two days after surgery. The drains are typically removed 3-7 days after surgery.

Patients need to follow the instructions they receive while in recovery.

Patients who receive compression bandages need to follow Dr. Nathan’s directions about wearing them. These bandages help keep inflammation down, which can reduce the patient’s pain level.

Wound care also helps with the healing process. Properly caring for the incision sites ensures the patient does not develop an infection.

Individuals who receive prescription medication need to follow the instructions on the prescription bottle. For safety’s sake, patients taking prescription pain medication must refrain from driving until they no longer need to take it.

To reduce the likelihood of developing an infection and poor facelift results, patients must keep their head elevated, use the compression bandages properly and take any prescribed medications correctly. Each of these also helps to keep the patient’s pain level down.

Patients need to take at least a week, possibly two, off work. Taking this time allows the patient to heal comfortably at home.

Two days after surgery, patients can shower.

Dr. Nirmal Nathan evaluates the patient’s recovery progress at his or her follow-up visit.

Within a week to 14 days, Dr. Nathan removes the patient’s stitches. The appropriate removal time depends on the patient’s unique healing process.

Results of a Facelift in Miami

Patients who follow the aftercare instructions from Dr. Nirmal Nathan can expect to begin seeing changes in their face in several weeks or several months following their rhytidectomy.

To maintain the results of a rhytidectomy, patients need to uphold a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking and being around second-hand smoke, as well as wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 whenever they spend time in the sun.

Potential Side Effects and Complications Associated with a Rhytidectomy

All procedures, treatments and surgeries have potential side effects and complications. A rhytidectomy is no different.

Potential side effects include:

  • Infection.
  • Bruising and inflammation.
  • Numbness.
  • An allergic reaction to the medications, instruments or other products the surgeon uses during surgery.
  • Unsatisfactory results.
  • Nerve damage.

Potential complications following a facelift in Miami include:

  • Visible scarring.
  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clots.
  • Bleeding under the skin (i.e., a hematoma).
  • Facial nerve injury, causing paralysis or muscle weakness.
  • The need for another surgery.

The Cost of a Miami Rhytidectomy

Every patient is unique; therefore, the only way to find out how much a facelift will cost a specific individual is with an initial consultation.

Does Health Insurance Cover a Rhytidectomy?

There are plastic surgery procedures that health insurance may cover (e.g., blepharoplasty procedures, a functional rhinoplasty), however, since a rhytidectomy is categorized only as a cosmetic procedure, health insurance does not cover it.

Dr. Nathan’s experience, dedication to excellence, artistic vision and ability to provide his patients with natural-looking results places him amongst the top facial plastic surgeons in and around Miami.

You deserve the best, which is why you should choose an experienced facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Nirmal Nathan to perform your facelift in Miami. Contact The Nathan Clinic today at 305-530-8880 to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Nathan. The Nathan Clinic’s Miami address is 4770 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 830.


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